Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Germans Don't Eat Beans!

On Monday night, Kristen and I cooked dinner for our host family. They wanted traditional Texas cuisine, so we decided to cook fajitas with all the trimmings... refried beans, guacamole, rice, onions, and peppers. First of all, we had to come up with all the ingredients! We have to thank Kristen's mom for sending the beans, tortillas, and seasoning. Without her package, we would have been a sad cooking team. We went to a grocery store in Dusseldorf for everything else.

When we started cooking, we found out that we weren't going to be able to grill the fajita meat. Being the problem solvers that we are, we figured out how to cook the chicken in a skillet with butter. Almost a disaster, but it actually turned out pretty tasty! All the rest of the food came out well... with the exception of the guacamole. The avocado wasn't ripe enough to smush.

The Mexican food was a huge hit with our family. The most surprising part of the whole experience was their reaction to the beans. Apparently, they NEVER eat beans here. How weird! They LOVED the beans though... except Saskia, who thought they looked like 'poop'. Everyone ate at least three fajitas, after we showed them how to roll them properly. Haha! After dinner, we enjoyed the candy that Kristen's mom sent and our family gave us some shots. It was hilarious! Even Uschi took a shot!

I'm so glad that we were able to share a little of our culture with them, after all that they've shared with us. I think I speak for both of us when I say the Kristen and I will definitely miss our host family. I think they might even miss us too, especially since our food didn't kill them! hahaha

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