Thursday, August 04, 2005

My time in Dachau

Going to the Dachau Concentration Camp was different than I expected. I had thought I would feel sad but, after going, I felt disgusted. We first walked through the gate where so many Jews walked not too long ago. At this time in their lives, they didn't know what was going on, where they were going, and if they were even going to live through the day. Then we headed towards the bunks where there were 80 beds for 300 people. This was the best of times though. Towards the end of the war when the camp was more crowded, there would be over 900 people in this one room. That's over 10 people per twin bed. How the Jews were treated absolutely makes me ill. How could these Nazis be people? How could you convince yourself that you are that much better than this other group of people, the Jews? Going to the crematorium was so disturbing. These people were so emaciated that 2 or 3 could be cremated in a single session. Everyone knows I am a picture fanatic, but I could not even take pictures at Dachau. Dachau is a place that i think everyone should visit once but I don't really want to go back there ever again. It made me realize how Germans say that they can't say they are proud to be Germans. I got such a guilty feeling just being there and knowing other humans could cause such harm. I can only imagine how guilty current Germans feel knowing that their fathers, uncles, and grandfathers were the ones causing all this harm. Going to Dachau was an eye-opening experience that I don't think I will ever be able to forget.

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