Thursday, August 04, 2005

I can't even imagine

I would just like to state for the record that after visiting Dachau, I can't even imagine what kind of monsters the men in the SS were. I had always heard stories and history about the Holocaust, and in my history classes we would talk about concentration camps. I've read Night by Elie Weisel, so I have read a first-hand account of life in a concentration camp. I've also seen horrible pictures in history books, and in museums. But being there at Dachau, the model concentration camp, and hearing all the horrific things that happened, while seeing where they happened...that caused it all to really hit home. The men in the SS were the 'elite' and taught that the prisoners were less than human. They were not allowed to be a part of the SS if they thought of or treated the prisoners as actual human beings. After hearing all the evil things they did, and their awful ideology, I don't think the SS and the Nazis were human. Their spirit certainly wasn't. But, as Dr. Wasser said, these men were human, and that is what is scary.

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