Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Down with the Sickness

Well I think it is for sure. Everyone in the group has either been sick or is currently sick with symptoms ranging from soar throat, runny nose, and coughing to tummy aches. I think we are just spending too much time being nice and letting everybody try each other drinks and our different foods. I'm sure it is just the price you pay for being considerate. I bet you can tell from this post so far, that I am the latest one to be attacked by this un-godly creature that they call the common cold. That's it! No more sharing of food or drinks ever again. No more sitting close on the train. And no more sharing the headphones on the ipod. We must take precautions before our group is totally wiped out.
Oh, hey . . . can I have a bite of your apple stroudle?

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