Saturday, January 02, 2010

Trip to Prauge!

The train to Prauge was a a four hour ride which gave us a lot of time to think and talk. One of the things that was so surprising to me was the lecture Dr.Wasser gave on T4 because it was something I had never heard of. It was intersting when Dr.Wasser poined things out making it more surreal.For example that I could have possibly survived only because I had blonde hair and blue eyes. I can't wrap my head around what it must have been like to live in Germany during those days, worrying about someone capturing you and putting you in a camp all because of what you looked like. It was alaso surprising to me when Dr.Wasser showed us propaganda that the Germans posted and they put the U.S. flag to support their cause because at one point we implemeneted a sterilazation program for people who we felt should not be able to procreate.
I am excited to visit prauge, I have heard it is a beutiful city with lots of things to see and do. Til' next time.

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