Saturday, January 09, 2010

It is only Wednesday night and I feel like I have already done SO much this week. It has definately been my favorite week so far.

On Monday we recieved a "walking tour" of Berlin, and of course it was by far the coldest day ever. However, it was an incredible tour. The best part is when we saw the monument of stones in the city center for the jews that were exterminated during the holocaust. It is definately a site that will bring tears to your eyes, it is such a moving place. Later on Monday we got to visit the hospital where the "reformed" medical student track classes take places. It was very interesting to understand their process. I definately like their system a lot better. I think having to recieve a four bach. degree and then goes to four years of medical school on top of residency after that is just too much of school. I also liked that as soon as they began medical school they also started clinical rounds. The Doctor that gave us the tour pointed out that students are more able to retain what they are learning in the books if they also see it in practice. I thought this statement was very true. Another very surprising thing I found out that I definately wish the U.S. did is that medical students do not have to pay tutition. Can I live in Germany please??
Tuesday started off with a very early morning train ride to Dresden, although it was nice to get an extra few hours of sleep. I loved that the sun was shining when we got to Dresden. (Definately can't wait to be back in Texas where it sunny at least some part of the day.) The city tour of Dresden was very informative. It is a beautfiul city and I especially like the Prostant Church alond with the film of how they rebuilt it. The rebuilding of that church had to bring that town so close together and bond over such an amazing event. After the city tour we visited the Hygiene Musuem. The hygiene musuem has defintely been my favorite musuem so far, I could have spent hours in there. I liked that they had interactive activities to help you better understand the concept they were talking about.
Today we went to the MD center for Research. I thouroughly enjoed the speaker on stem cell research. It such a fascinating topic that brings so many new ideas to the table. Although the second speaker spoke about protein crystals, which I must say does not sound that exciting to me. I love his passion and enthusiasim for what he did. I hope one day with whatever I choose to do I can love my job and get as excitied about it as he did for protein crystals. We also got to visit where they made devices to help surgeons in the operating roomk see things 3D and devices to enable telemedicine better. The devices were unbelievable, and so cool to see and play with. Lastly today we got to visit the Otoo Braun Center for Prosthetics. I really enojyed visiting this musuem because it has special meaning to me because my mom has polio, therefore she has barely any muscles in the right side of her body therefore making it very difficult to walk or pick up her right foot. So seeing these innovative devices to help people with problems like hers is amazing, because I know she definately had a hard time growing up with people making fun of her. So there is definately hope for the future as these devices become more widely known.
Well that is all for now can't wait for tomorrow we leave for hannover!!

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