Monday, January 11, 2010


Hannover is gorgeous! It is nice to be in a smaller city again after bustling Berlin. It is not as small as Bonn, but it is still very quiet compared to Berlin.

There is a lot of snow in Hannover! The wind can be pretty chilly, but I'm still loving my jacket and leggings. We've done a lot of tours in Hannover. The vet school was really interesting, because I've never been inside a large animal hospital before. A surprising amount of engineering goes into caring for horses and cows. Our visit to the cow reproduction facility was especially interesting. I now know more about a cow's backside than I ever wanted to know...

The Hannover Zoo was great! We got to see some animals adapting to the cold, and a lot of the other ones were in inside facilities. Whenever we walked from outside to inside, my camera lens fogged up, but they had nifty heating fans to dry them. The zoo also had ride down the snowy hill. We got to ride in innertubes through a track down the hill. It was really fun and a first for me. I've never seen this much snow before. Everything still looks gorgeous and I can't stop taking picutres...

The spell check is in German, so it is ineffective at editing this post, so I apologize for any misspellings. Also, the z and the y keys are switched, because i'm on a german computer. just fyi.

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