Thursday, January 07, 2010

I love Germany.

Yesterday we went to the Hygiene Museum. I honestly had no idea what to expect but it was a surprisingly fascinating place. I love hands on interactive museums and this was definitely one of those. My favorite part was watching Olaf and Ryan race around in the old people gear. I must say that was very entertaining! The motion exhibit was also interesting and is the one I had to do a presentation for. I learned that motion can affect a person both physically and mentally. Overall I thought the museum was a success.

Dresden is a beautiful city! The old buildings were breathtaking. One of the things that caught my attention was when the tour guide told us about the King's mistress. I realize back then that they simply married for political reasons and not for love, but I still can't believe that the king was publically allowed a mistress and that it was considered normal! This concept is so strange to me. I guess it is a good thing that I was never a Queen in that time period!

Well we arrived in Hannover today. It is yet another beautiful city in Germany that I can't wait to explore, but before I am able to do that I get to go to Paris! Traveling to Paris is something that I have wanted to do my entire life. It's the city of romance! By Saturday morning I will be strolling through the streets of Paris and just might be the happiest girl alive!

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