Friday, January 08, 2010


I am in Hannover now, we left Berlin yesterday. Berlin was pretty fun. Monday was so tiring because got back from Prague to the main station in Berlin at around 12 AM and then the trains werent running frequently so we decided to walk back to the hotel, which was a terrible idea since it urned out to be more than 3 miles away and there has been a high of -6 Celsius here. So this week was pretty exciting, we visited the medical training facility in Berlin and learned how to properly resuscitate someone. This week we also went to the Max Delbruick research center in Berlin, whcih is one of the best research centers in Germany. The stuff that they have developed is incredible...but i wont go into detail now. We also went to the Otto Bock Scicnce center, which is the biggest creater of orthopedics in the world. They have some pretty col stuff too. Our train to Hannover was canceled, so we had to get the next one and I ended up sitting in a random spot since we didnt have reservations for that train. I talked the whole two and a half hours with the guy next to me who is a Historian, focusing on Eastern Europe. It was an excellent conversation...we talked about european culture vs american, american history, bush and obama, european perspective of the united states, the role of the united states in the world...among other things. It was fascinating talking to him because he provided such a unique perspective to the conversation being a historian.

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