Thursday, January 14, 2010


The HDZ center in Bad Oeynhausen was an enlightening experience into the world of cardiovascular medicine. Watching an open heart surgery, just inches away from the patient, is something I never would have imagined possible. I thought that seeing an open chest cavity would affect me more emotionally than it did because my dad died of complications from a heart transplant. He had a genetic disease called cardiomyopathy. They say an ECG at the age of 16 can tell if you have cardiomyopathy, fortunately mine was normal. Having a genetic cardiovascular flaw in my family makes me very interested in cardiovascular medicine. The surgery I saw was an implantation of an LVAD. I arrived in the operating theater late so I mainly just watched them clean and close the chest cavity. The man had several tubes sticking out of his chest connected to machines. I couldn't help but wonder what his quality of life would be after the surgery. Is going through that much pain and suffering really worth an extra couple of years? Then I started thinking that he might be hanging on for his family. I know my dad exhausted all his options for me and my sisters and I am very grateful for the extra 6 months that the heart transplant gave him. Looking back I wonder whether or not he was glad he went through with the procedure because he suffered immensely. I hope one day heart transplants or artificial hearts can give patients with cardiovascular diseases not only life but a good quality of life after the surgery.

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