Friday, January 15, 2010


Tonight was the opera. I didn't really know what to expect because I'd only been to plays and musicals (all in English) before, and I was a little weary about how it would turn out. It was a lot more exciting than I expected. We got to sit in a box seat and had a very good view. I had no trouble understanding the songs because there were translator boxes in front of our seats. The performers were extremely talented. They ran around stage while maintaining perfect key. The opera was by The Wedding of Figaro by Mozart and was very comical. Not only was the opera good, the opera house itself was exquisite. Like all the buildings in these countries, it was ornately decorated with sculptures and gold designs all over the walls and ceilings. The whole experience was great. I'm very glad I got the opportunity to have the experience. I can't wait to go to another one, hopefully a tragedy. We leave in a couple of days to go home and start the spring semester. I'm not really looking forward to start school again or leave Europe, but it will be relaxing to be back home and back to the routine.

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