The second week of classes has come and gone, and it seems like the week just flew by. Already I'm starting to think that six weeks won't be long enough. Its been so fun exploring Bonn, and getting to know some of the student workers. I am constantly amazed by the culture here, and love getting to practice my extremely bad german.
This week we did an excursion to Cologne. We had an amazing behind the scenes tour of the cathedral, and I can easily say it was one of the best tours I have ever been on. It was so interesting to get to go through the inside of the cathedral. Our tour guide was great, and you could tell she was really passionate about the cathedral and its history. It is a really pretty city, but I was surprised to hear that it was the third largest city in Germany. I had never heard of it, but after spending time there I can confidently say it was worth the hype, and I can't wait to visit it again.

We started pharmacology class this week with Dr. Fajt, and the class is super interesting. I have never had experience with pharmacology, so I find the topic extremely interesting. I'm really excited to continue with this class and see what I learn. Our History of Medicine classes are going really well. Its amazing because being in Europe while studying this topic, it seems like just about everything has some relationship to the history of medicine. So many things that we never even stop to think about, have completely shaped the world of medicine we know today.

This weekend a group of us went Dublin, Ireland and had a great time. The first day we went to this small town Howth, about thirty minutes north of Dublin. It was amazing!!! It was basically the cliffs of Moher, but x10 cheaper and closer. The views were stunning, absolutely breath taking. We ended up running into another A&M group at this super small town, that a bunch of us knew. Quite a small world. The next time I am in Ireland, I will be sure to come back to Howth, and hopefully spend some more time here. We spent Sunday exploring Dublin, mainly doing a Guinness Tour. It was a very cool exhibit! You can tell that Guinness is really the pride of Ireland, and they have put a lot of work into making the exhibit interactive and captivating. We spent the rest of theday just walking around and taking in the sites. We had amazing weather, super sunny and 70 degrees, and the Irish mentioned it every chance they got! It was a change from their normal dreary weather, and we were sure to not to take it for granted.
Can't believe our second week is done!! I'm excited to see what week three has in store for us. :)
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