Tonight is the night. The night I should have been preparing for for weeks, and instead rushed it all together in an impressive 2-3 days. Tomorrow morning my dad and I leave for Germany; I am heading there about four days early with him to travel to cities we are not visiting with the group. So I am not that nervous about tomorrow since I will be flying with him. This is usually how my travel out of the country goes, I have always had a family member with me. So....I am very apprehensive about when he finally leaves me and I am independent (for the most part) in an unfamiliar country.
But this is a big reason why I decided to go on this trip. Even when I have been in college, I have always been looking to the next time I get to go home, as I have never been comfortable really being on my own. I wanted to go on this study abroad to prove to myself that I am capable of being truly on my own. Of course, now that I am staring that reality in the face, I am....definitely freaking out. I am also exciting freaking out. If that makes any sense. I really can't believe I am going to Germany. This is a far more risky and out there decision then I usually make, as I am typically a very cautious and anxious person. But, I really really do want to work on that. And I figured the best way, to simultaneously improve my own self-confidence, get some credit for school and have a fun experience, was through a study abroad. Overcoming my unease of being on my own seems a lot easier when you mix in a beautiful country, great food, and a bunch of field trips. So, in total, I am very excited to experience this. A bit scared, and partially wondering how I got myself here....but also excited to push myself more in life, and hopefully make a ton of unforgettable memories.

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