Saturday, May 25, 2019

Time flies...Just Like I Will be Tomorrow

Wow, I can't believe that I will be waking up at 2:00 am tomorrow to get to the nearest airport by 4:00  am for my 6:00 am flight. I live in Killeen, Tx which is just big enough we have our own small airport, but the flights were double, almost triple in price than driving one hour to the Austin airport. I have never flown out of the country before, let alone flown by myself. I'll make one stop in New Jersey, which is pretty cool because I've never been there before, even though I'll only see the inside of the airport, and then the same for Sweden. I have been anxiously packing and making lists to make sure I get everything done that I need to. I am so excited for this trip to Germany and I have been looking forward to it for half a year now. I have family that I have never met that lives in Austria and I am hoping to get the chance to go visit. I never dreamed I would have this opportunity to immerse myself into a new culture and lifestyle. My mom makes German-style food at home, so I am excited to see what true, authentic German food tastes like. One of the things I am most excited for is to learn about the history, more specifically the history of medicine in Europe. I have wanted to be a doctor since I was three years old and I broke my arm. I can't believe we get to visit a hospital in Germany and might even get to witness surgeries taking place right before my eyes. I went and visited my old dance director and he said he also had a trip to Europe planned in July. Him and I will definitely have to meet up someone and have lunch or something. He also informed me that my old ballet instructor was now living in Bavaria, Germany with her husband being in the military. Now I have another person I can go visit and it gives me another town to go explore in. I hope that when this is experience is all over and done, I never forget the lasting effect I think this trip will have on me. I get to learn how to truly be on my own, in a foreign country. I hope this trip will allow me to grow as a person and mature as I prepare to graduate in December and hopefully attend medical school in the future. I am going to do everything I possibly can to make sure this trip is memorable and that I allow myself to fully experience everything I can without holding back because I was scared. This is my time to build myself up and learn more than I thought I could ever know about myself, Germany, and so much more. The countdown begins, 20 hours until takeoff...

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