Saturday, May 25, 2019

Bonn Voyage *dun dun tss*

     It's 9 pm here in Charleston, SC and I admit I haven't even finished packing. My flight leaves here tomorrow at 1 and off I go! (making a stop in Chicago though) I have been to every state other than Michigan and Maine and yet the only other country I've been to is Iceland. It was amazing and seeing another part of the world so close yet so different was remarkable. That feeling is what I am most excited for with this trip. My father was a pilot in the Air Force for 10 years and just hearing him talk about all the places he went, seeing the things he brought back, watching him add another pin to his map of cities he has flown to - it just made me have this dream to be able to see even a fraction of the things he has. I feel like in the United States we put ourselves in a bubble. Our country is so large and we don't really have "close neighbors" so we forget there are other countries dealing with issues because it isn't "relevant" to us. If I do anything on this trip it's learning more about the cultures of the places I go. I want to meet people and learn about what their lives are like, the things they do, the things they have been through. Learning about the history of medicine in Europe is going to be a great way to dive into that and I could not be more excited to arrive in Frankfurt on Monday morning.  
See you soon Germany!

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