Sunday, May 26, 2019

Secured the Bag (or suitcase I guess)

I cannot believe the day is almost here. In less than 24 hours, I will be on a plane and on a new adventure. Going into college, I always figured I would study abroad. I have been fortunate enough to have traveled around with my family, so ever since I was young I was struck with the travel bug. There is nothing better than going to a new country, getting to know the people there and learning from the city. It is such an eye-opening and enriching experience. When Dr. Wasser sent an email advertising the History of Medicine trip, it seemed like the perfect experience for me. When I went to the informational and he described the “Hero’s Journey” we would all embark on if we went on the trip, I was sold. It seems like yesterday I was studying for my finals, thinking “Once I get through this, it’s on to Germany.” And now it is time. From this trip, I hope to make wonderful friendships and memories. I expect to learn a lot about medicine, Germany, and myself.
I wrote part of this last night as I was packing, but now I am in the Austin airport minutes away from boarding. As I walked into the airport, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Now it feels like elephants are stampeding around. I am so incredibly excited for what is to come. I am going into this experience with an open mind. I cannot wait to immerse myself in the German culture and meet my host family. I know that the memories I make in Bonn and all the other places I go will be life changing. Okay it is time to board now, so Tchuss! I will see you on the other side. 

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