Saturday, May 25, 2019

Journey to Bonn

It is now officially less than 24 hours until I'll be on my way to Bonn from Dallas, Texas! I have been planning my travels for so long that it doesn't even feel real that I'm about to be living in another country for six weeks. I am so excited to be fully immersed in another culture and have this opportunity to not only learn fascinating things about the history of medicine, but also to learn more about myself and how to be more independent.
One of my friends who studied abroad in Bonn a couple of years ago said that the decision to travel was the best one she made in college and traveling was the single thing that she felt like she learned the most from. While I have been packing and preparing for this trip for a while now, I am attempting to go in with few expectations and approach everything with an open mind and as an opportunity to learn something. I cannot wait to see how daily life in Germany compares with my daily life here in Texas and I really look forward to getting to hear from my host family about these differences. My main goal for this time is to continually try new things, even if they are outside of my comfort zone and be willing and open to new experiences, whether it's with food or drink, or navigating public transportation in Bonn. I'm eager to start my travels and am so looking forward to everything this summer has in store!

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