Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Saga Begins

So I have a confession to make. I just learned how to bike about three hours ago. You might be thinking, Peyton, you’re nineteen. Why have you not learned to ride a bike? To answer truthfully, I learned as a kid but was never good and now it has been several years since I’ve touched a bicycle. My lack of biking skills would be manageable if not for the fact that I need to ride a bike on Norderney. I don’t really have a point to this story other than I can now ride a bike with marginal skill and I leave for Germany in less than twenty-four hours.
I first heard of the BIMS study abroad to Germany from my older brother, a fellow Aggie. I looked up the program and thought what if? Turned out, I would complete the required courses just a few weeks before the summer program began. So I applied. It still doesn’t feel like I’m about to spend six weeks living abroad. I don’t really feel nervous. Well, except for the biking.
It won’t be my first time outside of the USA, nor will it be the lengthiest flight I’ve ever experienced. However, it will be the longest trip I’ve ever had. I am looking forward to this adventure, but honestly, I have no idea what to expect. Obviously, we will learn about the history of medicine. Hopefully, we will learn to be independent, responsible, and dependable. I will admit, I should have done this post earlier, but at the moment, most of the group has yet to complete their post. Procrastination may not be the most admirable trait, but at least we all have something in common.
See y’all real soon!

Peyton Reine

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