Sunday, May 26, 2019

Bonn Voyage

I’m writing this as I sit in the airport, not because I procrastinated writing my first post but because embarking on this journey didn’t seem real until now. In a couple of hours I will be on a plane on my way to Bonn, Germany for a study abroad for six weeks and I couldn’t be more excited. I love seeing new places and experiencing all they have to offer which is my main reason for choosing to study abroad. I mean who wouldn't want to travel around the world while also getting college credit. While I am extremely excited for this journey I am also a bit nervous. First there is the language barrier because I speak little to no German. Second this will be my first time traveling alone which is a little daunting not going to lie. Lastly I am terrible at directions so I know I am going to be lost at some point. With these worries bring my hopes. I truly want to come out with a new found confidence in myself. A confidence that will allow me to be able to conquer the world one country at a time. I also hope to learn more German. Of course I know I will not become fluent by any means but at least pick up enough to have a conversation. Additionally, I hope to soak up as much culture as I can whether that be from my host family or from my weekend trips around Europe. Lastly by the end of the trip I hope to know more about who I am as a person and grow from this experience hopefully for the better!

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