Sunday, May 26, 2019

Despite my Best Efforts- I am Baby

In retrospect, there's things I could've done much better in my prep for my first ever trip abroad. Checking the train ticket situation for the excursions I had planned earlier to see the section detailing that they were designed to be ordered/shipped while I was still in the States. Not panicking last night trying to adjust my budget looking for alternatives while my bag sat on the floor behind me, largely unpacked. Writing this Blog Post earlier than 90 minutes before my flight is scheduled to leave the terminal. These all would have been reasonable choices for an adult, who can handle these things, to do.

Unfortunately, I regret to inform anyone reading this that I am in fact Baby and cannot change this despite my best efforts.

This had led to a considerable amount of stress leading up to today. I felt like even for someone absolutely inexperienced with leaving the country, I have done a decent job prepping most things. Thinking through which clothes to take, planning for the last weeks reserving hostels for the various free weekend destinations, and booking flights to countries I've never been all were empowering experiences that made me feel a lot more confident about the weeks ahead. I've talked to so many relatives and friends who are all so excited for me and my travels, I've moved my money around so hopefully I don't find myself lost and destitute in a German alleyway somewhere, and above all tried my best to be prepared for anything I'll need.

I'm just having a little trouble letting that stress go and going with the flow. I feel it in my bones that it will happen once I start my travels- all the transit and movement will be stressful, sure, but I'm also expecting it to be invigorating. I'm a person that usually can let go of my worries as long as I've got enough energy and confidence to power me through, and I'm hoping to find that in my travels to Deutschland. Past all this worry about not being competent enough to handle this trip by myself, I feel this is such a unique opportunity for growth. I'm ready to board my flight and let this incredibly special six weeks of my life begin. Here's to new friends, new places, and new experiences. Safe travels to all!

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