Sunday, May 26, 2019

And now my watch begins

Ok maybe I’ve watched too much Game of Thrones recently and what I really mean to say is and now my watch for my flight begins. I suppose that makes sense given how I’ve never been on a plane, let alone fly internationally so I’m absolutely terrified I’ll miss my flight out of DFW. The reason I am so nervous is that I’m really looking forward to going to Bonn and meeting new people, experiencing new things and in general having a good time. My family won’t admit it, but they’re nervous about me going abroad, but strangely I’m not all that nervous, perhaps because I know I’ll be surrounded by some grade A quality people in Bonn. Obviously my biggest fear is that I will alienate someone with my complete lack of German language ability, but I have been told that trying is the most important thing so I will most certainly try some German out....eventually....once I know some. I am excited to throw myself into the culture of Bonn and begin this journey of mine into the unknown or at least what is unknown for me.

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