Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My Past Weekend

I honestly don't know where the time has gone, but just thinking that we only have one more full day left of our Vienna excursion amazes me. This past weekend, I had the opportunity to explore the vast city of Munich. We started off the trip with a bang, being stranded in the middle of a city we did not know. Long story short, 4 of us took a taxi from the central station in Munich and were taken to the wrong place 3 times before being dropped off at the wrong place with a 40 minute walk to our destination. All in all, it was a story I will look back on for a lifetime and remember, however I would not do it again. On the bright side, once we arrived at our AirBNB, we were treated with some amazing pizza so that was a plus. The next day, we started off by going to the concentration camp memorial site in Dachau. Words can't explain the impact it had on me; just standing there gave me chills realizing that thousands of people were brutally imprisoned and even killed exactly where my feet lied.  It was an experience to remember and it really makes me realize that I take my life for granted way too often. Next, we travelled to the city where the math and science museum was. I forget the exact same of the museum but it was probably one of the coolest places I have ever been. With exhibits ranging from shipbuilding to pharmaceutics to astronomy, it was a very educating experience. Lastly, we finished off our day with the famous beer-gardens such as Hofbrauhauss. The beer was fantastic, the company was great, and the experience was one to remember. All of this felt like a blur being that we are currently in Vienna, Austria nearing the conclusion of week 2 of our trip. I can already tell leaving this place and leaving these people will be hard.

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