Saturday, May 20, 2017

Time for adventure

Wow. Tomorrow's the day. After all these months of waiting, I'm boarding a plane to Germany and my mind is full of hopes and expectations. I've traveled to Europe twice before, only visiting Paris and London. I'm excited to dive into the culture by living with a host family, attending university, and taking a german class. The end result I hope to achieve from this program is to be able to 100% know what my passion is. I've struggled with knowing whether I want to work in human medicine or veterinarian medicine for a while. I know that many years of school still follow so I will fully embrace this learning/travel experience since I'm not sure if I will ever get this opportunity again. My parents lived in Germany for a few years in the 1980's so it makes me and them very happy that I get to embrace the culture they once lived in. I can't deny that I do have fears, some irrational.  Of course with terror attacks and traveling as a young adult woman not being the safest thing, Europe can be a little frightening. But with this fear I also know not to let myself worry so much or keep myself from living and experiencing Europe fully. I handle this worry by knowing that I will never travel alone and I'm sure I will feel much safer than I first thought. One irrational fear is my fear of flying. My anxiety has grown over the years so flying small european airlines isn't ideal; however, I know I have to do what I have to do to travel and everything will be okay. My last worry is homesickness. As much as I believe I am an adventurer at heart, I love being near to my family and friends. I know I will keep in touch but not spend too much time on the phone or contacting them. All in all, I may have fears and anxieties, but my passion for culture and knowledge trump them all. These next five weeks I know will hold some of the best memories of my life. I'm ready for this short chapter of my life. Let's do this.

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