Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Weekend Travel

I stated in the last update I was a little nervous in taking a train to another place I had never been before. I initially was this morning, but once I got on the train to Munich and the conductor checked my Eurorail with no problems, everything was peachy. The trip itself was five hours of a quiet train, but the view was absolutely gorgeous; nothing but beautiful green hills along the Rhine. I was surprised at how few people were on the train, and also by the significant age gap between us and the other passengers (lots of elderly).

Upon arriving in Munich, I was rather disappointed. It looked like I just arrived in downtown Dallas back home. As of now, I prefer Bonn by a great deal, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. We were looking to visit the BMW museum here and the Olympic park next door. We may also end up at the Hofbrauhaus for dinner; it is an old beer hall that dates back to the 18th century with a great atmosphere (or so the website says). My host family and hostel attendant recommended going there and checking it out. How can I refuse?

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