Monday, May 29, 2017

Weekend in Brussels and Amsterdam

This weekend me, Kalea, Karen and Miguel all went to both Brussels and Amsterdam! We booked everything last minute so it was kind of stressed figuring it out for the first time. Although we had so much fun it was exhausting doing two countries in one weekend. Both places were so amazing I'm glad we got the chance to do them. Brussels was probably my favorite place because the incredible architecture and sights. We got there a little late so we could only eat dinner and go out. We ate in the central square at this little Italian restaurant with a great view. As soon as we got into the square there was a jazz concert going on with all these lights and amazing music, It was truly breathtaking. We decided to do a pub crawl to save money and because we weren't sure where to go at night. The pub crawl was so much fun and we met some really cool people! Everyone we talked to was from somewhere different and we got to compare cultures. Which was interesting to see how foreigners view Americans, even though they mostly asked about the negative aspects.
After a long morning of train delays, we arrived in Amsterdam on Saturday. We spent the day walking around, eating and checking into our hostel. We met up with two other groups in the program and we all went out together. In the morning we got up and went to the Rijk museum which was so interesting! We only got to walk around for a couple of hours before we had to make our train. The train ride was a little tricky because we got on the wrong train but we fixed it and made it home okay.
Overall this been an exciting and eye opening week, even though I'm exhausted it all has been worth it!

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