Saturday, May 20, 2017

Pre-Program Statement

Firstly, let me say how absolutely excited I am about leaving tomorrow. I have always wanted to travel to Europe, as it is a place of history foreign to me, and it would allow me to view a different side of the world, allowing me to see how different yet similar it is. As this is a academic trip and not a vacation, I also welcome the chance to learn and absorb all the new forms of knowledge presented to me, whether it be academic, cultural, political, global, etc.

I do find myself slightly nervous about this trip. I have never been overseas before, and honestly the prospect of traveling internationally alone does qualify as 'outside my comfort zone.' However, I am sure that once the plane lands and I'm safely in Germany, any fears or reservations I had will vanish and be replaced by giddy excitement again.

This is a one of a kind adventure, and I am very glad I had this opportunity to take it.

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