Sunday, May 28, 2017

One Week In

I can't believe one week has already gone by...
Getting oriented took a while, but I'm starting to know my way around and am still figuring out how Bonn is wonderful and full of life and history. Dr. Wasser took us to see Roman ruins of a bath house that dates back to 50 BC which was incredible to see. We will be learning about the history of medicine and its evolution through time, and I couldn't be more excited. Learning about cultures, especially ancient ones, fascinates me already, but learning about their medical will be absolutely enthralling.
This week has truly been an amazing one. We started classes, and I was reminded of how incredibly incompetent I am with music thanks to Professor Waltz's lectures on sonatas and arias and forms and keys.... I also now know that German truly is as difficult and guttural as I once thought. I'm slowly started to pick up on some German, and this week I was even able to order ice cream in German, which went really well until the lady working asked me something in German that I didn't understand... but hey, baby steps.
A group of us just got back to Bonn from spending the weekend in Munich. This weekend was incredible, but it had its minor mishaps. Munich is a beautiful city. We started by going to the concentration camp in Dachau, which was gut-wrenching and difficult but also good to see. We then went to the Deutsches Museum in Munich. While there, I saw some information on ancient medicine in the pharmacology exhibition. This was very cool to see because we had just talked the week before in Dr. Wasser's History of Medicine class about the medicine during this time period. We talked about the Eber's Papyrus, which was mentioned in the exhibition.
After the museum, we spent the rest of that day and the next exploring Munich (and eating ice cream). The trip home was interesting, and we ended up being delayed about an hour. In the end, we arrived in Bonn around 10:30 at night, all exhausted. But this weekend was worth it.
It truly is amazing to be in a place where there is such fascinating history and culture all around. I'm definitely not in Texas anymore, and I honestly don't know if I'll want to go back.

Alana Carrasco

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