Saturday, May 20, 2017


Tomorrow I will board a plane and fly to Germany. (Holy cow... what?!) It still hasn't set in.
I will be spending the next six weeks on Texas A&M's History of Medicine study abroad. I will be located in Bonn most of the time, but we will be traveling to Vienna, Norderney, and Berlin. I have never been to Europe so I am extremely excited to explore this beautiful part of the world, but I am also nervous. Being in a foreign land with a group of students I don't know seems fairly daunting, but I am sure that everyone will be friendly and inviting.
I applied for this study abroad at the last minute thinking it would be a fun way to spend my summer. Funny story: I actually applied to the wrong study abroad at first... Thankfully, Dr. Wasser allowed me to apply late to his study abroad. When I saw that I was accepted into the program, I didn't know what to think. I was happy, but also fearful. I wasn't sure how I was going to decide what to do, but I eventually reached the conclusion that I wanted to go. I believe that this trip will not only give me a unique insight into medicine, but it will help me become more cultured and more knowledgeable of this wonderful world I live in. I am excited to travel throughout Germany and Austria. Paris, Amsterdam, and Prague are also among my list of places to visit, and I can't believe that these adventures are only days away.
I wholeheartedly believe that I will come back a changed person. I am eager to learn new lessons, meet new people, and experience new cultures.
Und jetzt nach deutschland!

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