Friday, July 29, 2005

the end?

It's only about half-way through our program and still it feels like the end because in the next two weeks we will be on the road and we have been having to say our fare-thee-wells. I *hate*, *loathe*, *utterly* can't *stand*(!!!) saying goodbye. My preferred method is to just part ways leaving the question hanging in the air if this is really "good bye for forever" or if it is a "see you some time in the far future." If I am cornered into saying goodbye then I generally do so succintly and try as hard as possible to make the event as short as possible (if I can't stand good byes you can understand why I like long, drawn out ones even less!) Sigh, this is the worst part of any program and it's only the middle of ours!!!! Too soon! It came too soon! Deeper sigh, it always does I fear.

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