Thursday, July 28, 2005

Breaking in the AIB

Well, this morning started off in an unusual but interesting way. Adriane and I decided to come to the AIB a little earlier this morning because we wanted to check our e-mails and bolg. So, we got here around 7:50 and no one was in the office to let us in. We patiently waited, and Dr. Wasser showed up about 8:00. We were excited because now we could get into the AIB and get on the computers. Little did we know that the inside door had been recoded and his beeper did not open the door. So, we proceeded to go to the side door and come up the back way. Unfortunately the back door to the AIB office was locked. Then Adriane and I, the brains that we are, suggested that we go down into the garage with his key and use the elevator to get up to the second floor. We were so excited when it worked! It was kind of like breaking into the AIB. Fun Times! We are leaving today to go to Amsterdam. Most everybody is going again. I will report sometime next week about our excursions.

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