Friday, July 22, 2005

Can We Sleep Now?

What an exciting week! We did everything from cow rears to river cruises. I can't say we have slept very much but we have seen more than I could have even hoped for. The Experimental Farm was one of the best things I think we did this week. I never knew pigs could get so huge! Also, the chickens were so clean. The chicken coops I have seen before have always been really dirty and stinky so I was very surprised that this one was so immaculate. The farm did make me want to not eat meat anymore. I thought it was sad that the animals were in cages their whole lives and weren't allowed to go outside or even move around that much. The farm didn't push me over the edge to being a vegetarian but it did really make me think.

I also really enjoyed the Marksberg Castle. I love looking at old, huge castles so this was just my thing. The hike to the top was hilarious and definately a memory that I won't forget. Hiking through the trees and mud up a hill - not exactly the easiest task we have ever had. Poor Lindsey - she fell in the mud and had dirt all over (and in!) her pants. Overall, it was a great experience!

This week has been so much fun and I can't wait for Paris. Go Lance!

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