Monday, July 29, 2013

A week in Vienna

I really enjoyed our time in Vienna. We started out the week fresh off of our first overnight train. I slept in the middle of a three level bunk bed and felt like the center of an Oreo. It was a little claustrophobic at first but once I accepted the fact that it was impossible to sit up, I felt better about it and ended up getting a not-so-bad night of sleep. Our first meal in Vienna had us jumping for joy as the prices were a fourth of their counterparts in Switzerland and they had real bacon! The hotel was also a pleasant surprise as the rooms were much nicer and bigger than I had imagined they would be.
            Our week was filled with tours, visits and lectures. I found the medical school lecture given by Dr. Marz really interesting. As I listened and thought about the system in place, I feel like I broke down a tiny cultural barrier as I realized that a free 6 year program sounds a lot better that the extremely expensive and debt incurring 8 year plan that we have in place in the US. There have been many times over the last two years that I have felt frustrate that I had to spend time and energy on a class that has nothing to do with my ending career goal and that I’m not the slightest bit interested in. that afternoon was my favorite part of the trip. I had expected Fool’s Tower to be a museum about the history of the building as a Psychiatric hospital and was pleasantly surprised by the gory, realistic wax models and the large number of specimens that filled the halls and rooms. The Siamese twin skeletons and the skin diseases were the most interesting to me. It is cool to think about the time that went into making the wax models and how the people that made them were as much of a part of medical advancement and building a knowledge base as the doctors themselves were.
             Overall, Vienna was an extravagant city filled with churches, beautiful architecture and a rich history. I’m glad that we got to spend more than a weekend there because I really feel like I got to know the city. 

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