Thursday, June 15, 2017


HALLOOOOO!!! Welcome to my fourth blog post for my Germany study abroad!! 

Fun fact: the number 4 in German is vier (hence the title) and is pronounced "fear".

Last Monday was a holiday, and I was invited to a BBQ with another students family. But BBQ in Germany is VERY different than in the states.  It's not just cheap hotdogs and hamburgers thrown on the grill, complemented with basic buns, mustard, and ketchup. Oh no, German BBQ is high quality home cooked meals with too many options to count followed by the best pudding of your life. The meal prepared for us started with wine, fresh cut melons, and homemade bread. Then they brought out a delicious variety of German sausages, potato salad, and more homemade dinner rolls as well as many other side plates. Just when I thought my stomach would rupture, they brought out the most amazing pudding with strawberries and cream. I don't know the flavor of the pudding, but I had three bowls. Needless to say I probably could have survived without eating for the next week.

On Wednesday AIB took us to Cologne, a bigger city about 20 minutes from Bonn. We got to see the colossal Cologne Cathedral that survived the bombings of WWII which is too massive to even put into words. I believe I put a picture of this in another blog, but no pictures do justice to the size. We also had the chance to go to a history museum there which had a plethora of roman artifacts. There were many old mosaics and tomb stones. One artifact that I found interesting was a clay tablet that was used by children to practice their ABC's. It's kinda strange how we can find so many differences between now and then, but in the end we are all human and need to practice our ABC's! Here's a picture of that:

I fell in love when I walked off the train, but we'll see if Brussels can compete with Norderney, Berlin, Zurich, and Paris!! Till then, tschuss!!

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