Sunday, June 25, 2017

Organ Museum, Bingen, The 1975, AND the Zoo

This week we stayed in Bonn but only to travel a lot within this area.  This week we went to an Organ Museum,  the OR in a hospital (another post), and Bingen.  The first place we went was the Organ Museum and I can now say I have a new respect for the instrument. I would always see them in churches around me because being Catholic there is always an organ in the church (or most of the time at least) but I never really respected how much time and energy it actually took to make one of them.  The tour itself was way over my head on what was going on but I could see the amount of time and details it took.  One thing that took out at me was how massive the organ can really get.  There was one that had to be cut in two because of how gigantic it was.  The next day we went to the hospital and this is in another post.  Then, the next day, we made our way to Bingen.  I was not expecting it to be as beautiful as it was.  The first place we stopped was Hildegard museum.  She was one of the only females who was documented in medicine at the time because her personality was so strong.  It was amazing to see that she was able to accomplish so much and be a woman at this time.  After the museum, we went to go eat lunch with everyone and I was surprised by the food.  It was not that much food and it was all different things that I have never really seen before.  Personally, it wasn't for me but it was interesting to see the culture and the type of food they ate in this region.  After lunch, we took a Rhine cruise and that was the most relaxing thing.  The cruise was a little under 2 hours and during that time I was able to take a short nap and still wake up and see the stunning views around me.  Once we got to our destination after the cruise, we had to hike up a hill to the top where a castle was waiting for us. The hike was not that bad, but it was extremely uphill and that was something I was not expecting at all.  In the castle, we got to the ruins and what was left behind.  The views were stunning and it was amazing to see how and why it was built the way it was.  After the castle, we had a dinner snack at the castle and yet again this wasn't for me but the view was gorgeous.  After this long day, I still had a concert to catch in Cologne.  The 1975 is one of my favorite bands and I have been planning for this concert for about 2 months.  We got there kind of late and everything but it was totally worth it because the part of the concert we did see was amazing and I had so much fun.  I might have been tired but it was so worth it.  On Friday we went to the Cologne Zoo.  I haven't been to a zoo in ages so it was amazing to actually go and see it.  We got a special behind the scene tour and it was of their elephant exhibit.  We got to feed and pet a real elephant and it was amazing to be there to do that because I love elephants.  Although we stayed in Bonn, we traveled so much it didn't even feel like we were home.

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