Monday, August 03, 2009

Tunnel Vision

Living for the moment. The phrase is lauded as the key to happiness in some circles. Only worrying about the things you can control. Easy come easy go. Paul McCartney would say, "Roll with It."

Those things are easy to do when you are put in a situation that forces you to enjoy yourself. When you're surrounded by beautiful/single/interested women, its easy to take it easy. When you're knocking down Bud and watching the Cowboys beat the Eagles, forgetting about your credit card debt for three hours doesn't take much mental fortitude. When you realize you're on the wrong train... look on the bright side?

There was no getting around it. I was going to be twelve hours late to Paris, and my best option was to get a good night's sleep and enjoy the next day. Really the only influence I had on the next twelve hours was spent when I foolishly boarded the wrong vessel. Foolishly made assumptions. Foolishly, carelessly, accidentally, clumsily, definitely.

Worse things, though, have happened to better people. At the very least, I have another story to tell. At most, I have proven to myself that I have the emotional stability to handle my mistakes, at least to some extent. Taking it easy while there's easy left to take; there's nothing left to lose.

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