Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hygiene and Goodbye :(

When someone uses the word hygiene you normally think of personal hygiene or the use of soap in the shower and after using the restroom. This is the picture I had in mind when we went to the Hygiene Museum in Dresden and boy was I surprised. The museum had absolutely nothing to do with bathing regularly. The definition of hygiene is "a science of the establishment and maintenance of health" which is exactly what this museum showed. It had several different rooms, each devoted to a different aspect of health and medicine. There was a room called "The Transparent Man" which showed models of the human anatomy as they developed over the years. Another room was "Living and Dying," and this was my room. Each group was assigned a room and was required to give a short presentation on three of the items in the room. Our group had an interpretive dance as our was pretty amazing!!

Today is the day that everyone leaves. :( Last night we had our farewell dinner at this delicious Moroccan restaurant and then we went to this club that Olaf used to hang out at. This club was really amazing because it had graffiti EVERYWHERE. When you walked up to the different levels you could find people selling their art work. Some of it was really awesome. I woke up early this morning to pack and I'm sad to leave Germany. I feel like 5 weeks isn't a long time at all and I wish we could all stay here for another 5 weeks. I've made some really great memories with some really great people and I hope it will continue when we get back to College Station.

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