Tuesday, August 11, 2009

From Hygiene to Couscous

Berlin was one of my favorite cities that I had the chance to visit on this program. It had history, beautiful buildings, and a great night life. While we were in Berlin we went to the Hygiene Museum, which was probably the most hands on museum that I have ever been to. The room that I had, along with Justin and Matt, was the Transparent Man room. This room was interesting because it was in this museum that the first transparent man was ever built. The original transparent man used a plastic covering, real human bones, and over 12,000 meters in copper wire. Now the transparent man uses synthetic bones made of aluminum and different parts of the body will light up when a certain button is pushed. The transparent man is a good tool to use when studying the human body. That, and it is just a cool thing to look at.

Bodyworlds was also a great experience in Berlin. I had been to Bodyworlds about 4 years ago when I was a sophomore in high school so this was certainly something that I really enjoyed because I had not seen it in so long. It is definately a must see for people, however I am not sure if I would feel comfortable having my body displayed like that after death, but that is another topic completely.

The farewell dinner together was probably one of the best memories I have from the entire trip. It was good to hear what everybody had to say about the trip and their favorite parts. I really enjoyed that excercise. Also, Dr. Wasser and Olaf deserved recognition for all the hard work they put into the program to make sure that we would all have a great time (which we all did), so I thought that was a great part of the evening. That dinner will certainly be something that I will never forget and I thought it was appropriate that this program ended on such a good note.
I will miss you all.


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