Sunday, August 09, 2009

August 7, 2009

I left Germany for home Friday. I was definitley ready to come home and see my family and friends, but it was also sad leaving my home for the last 5 weeks. Its strange to think that I wont have to wake up in the morning to run and catch the bus or that I wont be waking up every morning to the standard breakfast of bread, cheese, and lunch meat. (Even though I had my fill of breakfest sandwichs, they will be missed.) This past month has been great; it was something I only imagined for a long time. The trip exposed me to many different places, thoughts, people... I'm looking forward to going back someday.

Our last day in Berlin was another eventful day. In the morning we visited the Charite hospital and later we went to the Bodyworlds exhibit. The exhibit was interesting to see; plastinates in different possess showing the way humans move and the muscles used. A plasinate by the way is a real human body preserved with plastic. No matter how many preserved organs, bodies, vascular systems I have seen throughout this trip, I always ask is that real? Its astounding that we can preserve such things for so long. To see an actual vascular system all the way down to capillaries preserved and in a display case is unbelievable.
That night we had our last dinner together. All throughout the day people kept saying "the program is over, this is our last day," but I dont think any of us realized it was over until then. We had moroccan food, which was amazing (most of us were a little scared of what we might be eating). During, we all went around the table and shared our favorite part about the trip. It seemed that most people's favorite part was just getting to know the others. I think we have all grown close throughout our time traveling through Europe, and will hopefully remain friends after.

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