Friday, August 07, 2009

Berlin Blog part One: Get Medical (Or Not)

How can you know what you want to do for a living until you’ve sampled every different flavor at the ice cream stand of life?  To ease your mental anguish, I can answer the question precisely.

1) You never had any doubt that you knew what you wanted to do and did everything necessary to accomplish that goal.  

2) You are a normal human being who can’t even decide what they want to order at IHOP without thoroughly examining the menu, and you still end up ordering things you don’t like but were convinced you would.

Barring significant changes in my emotional or mental or social state of being, I will not be going to medical school.  It is also unlikely that I will see a career in anything related to medicine.  

Why did I go on this trip?  Well how would I have come to this conclusion had I not been so thoroughly exposed to the variety of careers available in medicine.  This trip could easily convert a philosophy to the field of medicine.  But in my case, it illuminated for me  how uninterested I am in certain areas.

My father is an engineer.  Has been for thirty years.  My father’s father was an engineer for forty.  Try as I might, it’s part of my genetic makeup.  Who knows what I’ll be doing ten years from now?  As of now, I’ve only just begun the elimination process to make that decision.

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