Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tschuss zu Alles

There were 5 of us left behind in Berlin as the program came to a close. I happened to be one of them. Our last weekend in Berlin (and Europe) was a great one. The first day, Justin, Matt, Brittany, Caitlin, and myself decided to go back to the Jewish Holocaust Memorial and walk around in it. As Dr. Wasser said, it is pretty disorienting to walk amongst the 2,711 stones. We also went under the memorial to place for more information. Most of the information here had been presented to us on previous excursions, but I found the letters written from the victims on display to be extremely upsetting, especially one in particular of a letter from a little girl to her father. Very sad.

In the evening we decided to hit up Blue Man Group!!! And the best part, we had to wear raincoats because we were seated so close and could get hit by paint/other items. The show was fantastic. The funniest part of the show is when one of the blue men used gooey bananas as a projectile. It all happened in slow motion. The banana was shot out of the blue man's chest and landed all over Caitlin!!! I have never seen Matt laugh so hard in my life. He was crying. It was really funny stuff. After the show we got to take pictures with one of the blue men. The creepy one as Brittany put it. Well, as it turned out, my camera was accidently on video so we had to retake it. In the end we got two videos and three pictures with the blue man. It was a very documented two minutes.

This program was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and I am so thrilled that I had chance to take part in it. Not only did I have so much fun, but I made wonderful friends and I had many stories that I will be able to tell for years to come, everything from the crazy Czech lady assaulting Matt in prague to the Speedos in Italy. I want to thank everyone involved with the program as well as my classmates for this wonderful experience. It is not something that I will soon forget.

Vielen Danke,

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