Tuesday, August 04, 2009


It is our last week on the program and we are spending it in Berlin! When I first saw the Berlin HBF when we were on our way to Prague, I knew that I would definitely enjoy this city. It is completely different from Bonn. First off, I love love love the graffiti. I've already seen/took pictures of some amazing work! Secondly, this city has SO much history (recent at that) and its nice to see that parts of it are still around.

On Monday we took a bike tour of the city. We saw parts of the Berlin wall, learned some back stories and saw major sites in Berlin. My favorite was the Jewish memorial. The uneven blocks were really cool and I felt really relaxed when I was walking atop them. We also saw the major street that the Nazi party operated on and the area where Hitler's bunker used to be! It's crazy how its filled in and there are other buildings and stores on top of it.

The rest of the week was jam packed! We visited a lab and spoke with a stem cell research GOD! he was full of information and very excited about what he's doing. i had a question to ask...but i waited too long and the moment passed. :( maybe i can email him or something. We also visited a SEVEN TESLA MRI machine...insane. The MRI technician was a little too happy about his job..but whatever floats his boat is cool i guess!

All in all i'm enjoying Berlin so far. We'll see how the end of the week plays out....... and see how our good byes go.

I'm going to cry.


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