Tuesday, August 04, 2009

August 4, 2009

We just got back from gorging on dinner and dessert. We went out to eat on Potsdam street after we spent the day running around the city and ate way way too much. It was great, the pasta was like tomato bar, but better and the tiramasu ice cream with extra chocolate was absolutely delicious!

First, we went to the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine. We talked to Dr. Daniel Besser, an embryonic stem cell researcher. He was really interesting, not boring. We talked about the ethics behind his research, about the topic of murdering unborn fetuses.. No comment on my opinion.

My favorite part of the MDC tour was after lunch, though. we went and got a look at the technology the institute is developing to do surgeries from other locations. Like the doctor is on one continent and the patient is on another! It's madness. In one room, he showed us the machines for allowing the doctor to see the surgery in 3-D, and another machine which allowed the doctor to take a MRI of the patient and use it to develop a 3D image of their body. This image can be touched and felt by there doctor using another crazy machine. It was really cool. The other room showed a similar method, But the MRI makes a 3D scultpure of the patients affected area and they use it to allow the doctors to visualize the surgery with more accuracy. This technology uses little balls on the instruments and on the sculpture of the body part in order to match the locations. This whole little institute was really neat, I enjoyed it alot and they had good food!

The last thing we did was my favorite part of the trip thus far. We went to the Science Center Medical Technology. It was geared towards the Biomedical Engineers, but really anyone could enjoy this. It was a showroom for a company who designs prosthetics and wheelchairs, and does medical research. The showroom was interactive and so cool!

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