Saturday, August 08, 2009

Berlin by bike

In our travels thus far, we have toured many cities. Many by foot and some by bus, both having good and bad qualities. Alas, we took a tour by bike! Berlin. This was easily my favorite city tour because of the method and the city itself. Biking allowed us to get were needed to go quickly, kept us close to sites themselves, and was good exercise. Berlin is a magnificent city that is full of construction, skyscrapers, and waterways. We were able to course along the Berlin wall, see the holocaust memorial, check out were the night life was, and make it to the Reichstag. Berlin by bike was no joke. Not to mention we also discovered what was in style if you were a middle age German man like Olaf and our guide. They were dressed with the same style sense and had identical pointy business dress shoes. To conclude our crash course on Berlin, we ended the afternoon with a delicious meal at a famous falafel restaurant.

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