Sunday, August 09, 2009

last week

i can't believe the program is over. how did 5 weeks go by so fast? i feel like this past month has been an out of control whirlwind filled with crazyness, never ending laughter, unlimited knowledge and opportunity.

so here i am, 5 weeks later...and i already miss germany. i'm in italy right now...and all i can think about is how amazing germany was and how i took a lot of things for granted. ex: the nice weather, prompt public transport, friendly (not creepy) people, and cheap food/drinks.

before going on the trip i was expecting to like italy and switzerland the best out of all the countries i would be visiting. but i can proudly say now that I LOVE GERMANY! my favorite country, next to the US, of course. the culture and the way of life is perfect for me. maybe one day i can learn the language and enjoy germany on the same level Wasser does.

Berlin was amazing. I definitely want to come back and spend more time there. the museums were cool, but the city had its own vibe. the place Olaf took us to was by far my favorite place i've visited. i loved the atmosphere, grafitti, and it was cool to be apart of that free spirit. amazing.

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