Monday, August 07, 2006

Wie Geyhts, Bitches!

I've put off bolgging for a while, being scared that once I started I would end up feeling very sad that all of this is over. It feels good to be back in Texas, but not good to be back in the U.S. Does that make any sense? One thing that I really did identify with Germans over is their sense of regional rather than national pride. I've never really felt proud to be an American like so many others, but I thank God everyday that I am a Texan and I never could live anywhere else.
Before I give my closing remarks, I wanted to inform you all that my second and third days in Berlin were just as fantastic as the first. After the zoo, the fabulous five went out for kareoke at the echo bar and Kristen, Mel and myself sang "rollin' down a river" and "I will survive" while Sarah and Kit sang along and taped. I felt like a regular at the Echo bar and we finally got to hear our Queen. Thusday was spent touring the Scloss Charlottenburg, buying 8 pounds of gummie bears, ascending in a hot air balloon and purchasing an eastern Berlin army hat. Kit wouldn't stand near me for fear of being shot as I wore my treasure around the city. Feminizing Kit for the farewell dinner was classic as well. After the dinner, Sarah, Mel, Kristen and I spent the night dancing on the stage of a Berlin discoteque before hooking a taxi back to the hotel and seeing eachother off. Seeing Sarah, Kristen and Mel in tears really got to me, so come over and hang out with me in College Station, ho-bags! We'll say the rosary, listen to kidz bop and party it up home-school style.
Germany has been the most kick-ass vacation and awesome experience I could ever have hoped to live through. I miss my girls; Sarah, Mel, Kristen and Kit so much and I'll miss seeing ya'll everyday. Dereck, Greg and Mas were good men and it felt so great to have some brotherly companions while studying abroad. Dr. Musser, you are cool as hell and I can't wait to take your class on awesome diseases. Margot and Freddie, my host parents were better than I could ever have hoped for. I can only hope that everyone came home feeling as blessed as I did for having met so many kind, warm and funny people and for having experienced such a great culture. I felt very immersed. I'm very happy now and I don't want anything more.

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