Thursday, August 10, 2006

So it was BROKEN!

So I went to the doctor today in Houston for my foot and they took more x-rays. The doctor is close friends with my mom so she was asking about my trip and about my foot and when it started hurting and how much I walked around on it and that kind of stuff. Well I told her all the doctor said in Germany was that it was not broke. I told her I was so sure it was broke and was really taken back when he told me it was not. She just laughed and put the x-ray up and you could see a complete break in my middle toe (the toe wasnt broke but further up the foot the third bone). I just laughed and said I knew it was broke. She was really suprised they could not see the break since it was completely broken and was really suprised that I could even walk, much less go canoning and do as much as I did. So now I am in a boot, no surgery as of now because it is growing back together straight (lucky me). I go back in three weeks to see if they have to go in a pin it. So maybe I am ready to diagnoes orthopedics.

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