Sunday, August 06, 2006

I love Dr. Pepper!

I'm back home and the first thing I asked for was of course, a Dr. Pepper. It was better than I imagined...oh so was mexican food. I really appreciate texas mexican food after having the german version. I'll never make that mistake again, it was scary.

On a completely different subject, I was so devastated that I had to leave Europe. I knew I liked it there, but I didn't realize that I liked it that much. I was excited to come home and see my family and friends, but at the same time I really wished that they would just come visit me. I'm pretty sure I want to live there, maybe not forever, but for a year or two at least. I'm so glad that I had this experience and its definitely something that I will never forget. I had so much fun meeting everyone and I hope we will hang out in College Station soon!

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