Monday, July 02, 2018

I'm a local

Irrational decision number two: buying the last seat on the
plane to
Dublin. Just like many other people, my biggest fear is
Because of this fear, I ended up dropping 300$ on a plane
ticket that
most people got for less than 100$- I’m very dumb and
I may be dumb, but this was a smart decision. I was
given the opportunity
to see one of the most culture-filled environments I’ve
ever been able to witness.

The plane ride to Dublin was the most whimsical traveling
I have
ever done in my life.
All of my life, if I have ever gotten on a plane, there
were months
of preparation and planning.
This time, I literally just bought a ticket a couple days
before and
boom I was in the air going some
cool new place. That is something I have been trying
hard to
relish in the moment- the ability to get
up and travel whenever to wherever. This whole trip
has been a lot
of me trying to slow down and truly
appreciate every little aspect of my euphoric,
carefree life right now.

Eventually, we made it Dublin. Seeing the slightly
larger population
of gingers made me feel right at
home. I learned a lot of things my first night in Dublin. I found
out that gaelic is not a dead language like
I thought it was. I found out Guiness taste like coffee. I found
out that lamb from a fish and chips
restaurant is better than it is sketchy.

Best part of the first night: accepting a ride home from an uber
eats driver at the Fish and chips
restaurant and helping him find his deliveries before taking
me home. I’ll never forget you ehsan.

The next day, we did what you have to do in Dublin, hit up every brewery and distillery within a 10 mile radius. Back in Texas, I hate beer, but in Dublin, I'm a biiiiiiig beer boy. At the Guiness factory, I purchased a super cool sweater that suggested that I was the biggest Guiness fan; I had my first Guiness the day before.

The next day, we chose a different vibe. Maddie^2, Chandler, and I decided to venture down to a cute little fishing village, Howth. Here, we got away from the loud city and were able to truly appreciate the beautiful landscapes of Ireland. We felt the cold sea breeze coming in from the north. We hiked up to the cliffs and sat down and just relaxed. Words were no longer necessary. It was just us, the breeze, the vast sea, the rolling green hills, and forever.

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