While you wait for your next binge to load, check out these Netflix Original Series that portray what my Week 5 experience was like. Overall this week has been on of my favorites, right up there with Norderney!
1) Queer Eye

This week has been one of transformations, and who better to display this than the Fab5?! Aside from mental growth, one of the changes that occurred was my perception of Poland. Never would I have thought Poland would be my favorite place I would travel to in my free time. But the city of Krakow was buzzing with markets, dancing, and people chowing down on pierogies. Those potato dumplings took me by surprise and definitely were added to my boon for back home!
2) Black Mirror
As the show Black Mirror emphasis, truth can be stranger than fiction. This became all too apparent when visiting the concentration and death camp Auschwitz. I read books, watched movies, and been to lectures dedicated to the horrors that occurred here, but being there was emotional and enlightening to say the least. When I told my host mother I was going to Poland to visit the camp, she asked me why I would want to visit such a terrible thing. After going, I think everyone should. It is a reminded of the evils humanity is capable of doing to one another.
3) Fuller House
This week I was able to get the gang back together and reconnect with my friend who lives in Vienna. Paul and I had been messaging on Facebook as soon I realized I was going to be studying abroad to Europe. It was absolutely incredible to see him. We made such a strong friendship three years ago, and to get to hug him again felt so special. Paul and I grabbed authentic Viennese cuisine out of the city...yummmm fried liver. I do not know if I will ever see him again. Overall it was bittersweet getting to bear hug him once more.
Our very own master of disguises, Dr. Schnabel, gave the HoM program a tour around Vienna. I absolutely loved how Dr. Schnabel was dressed in full attire of what a plague doctor would wear back in the 1600's. This tour was one of my favorite parts of this week. We would stop all around the gorgeous city and take different medicines, like urine! Don't worry, it wasn't really urine, but this whole tour is exactly the reason why students should go on this program. It's interactive, educational, and whimsical. I could not be able to name you many professors who would go out of their way to give their students the "Dr. Schnabel" experiance.
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