Monday, July 02, 2018

3 Countries, 12 Hours - Week 4

This was our last full week living in Bonn and I have no idea where all of the time went. I decided to make a list of things that I wanted to do before I departed the city and we started checking some things off.
We started off the week at the University Hospital shadowing various anesthesiologists. I was able to witness a femoral tumor removal and a hip replacement, both of which were amazing! All of the doctors and nurses were very kind and made sure I was updated on what was occurring. I’ve been so caught up in traveling that this was very refreshing to be reminded why I love medicine and am pursing this career. 
On Wednesday, we traveled back to Cologne and my group visited the zoo. Some highlights were going down to the elephants with the zookeepers and Kylie dropping her phone in the meerkat pen (I caught it all on video). After the zoo, we stayed in the city and had dinner and then sat by the river all night. Sitting around and hanging out with everyone has easily been some of my favorite memories.
I traveled to Paris, France for the weekend and had the best time admiring the city! I was honestly expecting Paris to be mediocre and a city that I just needed to check off. Oh man was I wrong. Everything we did and saw was breathtaking. We had a picnic by the Eiffel Tower, walked around the Arc, visited the Louvre, ate countless macaroons and croissants, and went on the most amazing bike tour throughout the city. The bike tour was 4.5 hours long, but the time flew by. We rode all across Paris and ended with a river cruise and unlimited wine (what could be better). We spent our last night watching the Eiffel Tower light up and Kylie and I actually sat there and cried because we were so happy and content. Needless to say, I cannot wait to return to Paris and explore even more!
Currently, we are on an 8 hour train to Vienna. I got a total of 3 hours of sleep last night after our Paris train got back to Bonn (I should’ve just stayed at the train station) so I’ll be sleeping this entire ride. Not often can you say that you’ve been in 3 different countries within 12 hours... Here’s to another amazing week in a new country!

Cologne, Germany

Our day in the operating room!

The best girls to travel Europe with!

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